Welcome to...

Get ready for an adventure!

Forest Play is run as part of our SEED sessions as an opportunity for parents and their children to spend time together, exploring the natural world, building new friendships and learning through play.

Each week we set out a number of  exciting activities for you to take part in if you choose to, though you are equally welcome to just play! Our sessions are designed to build confidence, creativity and resilience not just in our children!

Run by highly trained Forest School staff and including things like... bug hunts, nature walks using hand tools, lighting fires, outdoor cooking, going on treasure hunts, making all sorts of crafts, getting covered in mud and having a wonderful time!

These sessions are run from our toddler site where we have swings, play houses, mud kitchen, digging patches, growing areas, fire pit, pizza oven and loads of resources to make the most of.

Other Facilities:

We have...

Large shelters (should you not love getting soaking wet!)

A toddler friendly toilet with baby changing facilities.

Hot and cold drinks from our outdoor kitchen.

What should I bring?

A sense of adventure! Never leave home without a sense of adventure!

Warm clothes (for you and your little ones!) Layers are best and maybe a bag to keep them in (the clothes that is, not the children!)

Sun cream and a sun hat (maybe not in January though we can always hope!), otherwise warm hat and gloves.

Wellies are great but tiny feet can get cold and wellies can rub so make sure they have a few pairs of socks (socks... clean socks, which make really good mittens when its cold).

Waterproofs for when its time to dance in the rain.

A full change of clothes in the car (should they be needed).

Any medication if required (this is probably more apparent for a parent!).

There are currently 2 Forest Play sessions to choose from. These are...

Monday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30

Tuesday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30

If the session you would like to join is fully booked, or you can’t make Mondays and Tuesdays please feel free to join our waiting list here

We aim to start and finish on time and sometimes only have 30 mins changeover times so please be punctual to make the most of the session.

How much are the sessions?

Mums, Dads, Carers and Grandparents - Free

Tiny people under 18 months - Free (with a paying sibling)

Little people 18 months - 5 years of age:

When booking a half term membership £8/session/child and extra siblings cost £6/session.

When booking individual sessions  £12 /session/child and extra siblings cost £10/session.

What happens if I can’t make a session?

We have introduced a system which we call SWAPAROO                                          

The idea is that if you know that you are going to be away on a particular date you can give/gift your session to a friend. They book as if for a single session but choose the Swaparoo paying option and aren’t charged any extra.

Other stuff:

You can ask to join our closed Facebook group which is a place to find out news about what’s been going on and what’s in store and where you can connect with other members. You are welcome to post your own photos to this page, however please do not tag any of the photos (for safeguarding purposes.)

Click here to request access to the closed Facebook group for             Mondays                Tuesdays

Ok... That’s probably all you need for now! If you would like to book then you can use the buttons below (the link will stop working when the sessions are full).

Please note: our system uses automated emails and these sometimes get put in the spam mailbox on your computer so please check to make sure you get our email notifications in the future!  

we’ll see you in the woods!

Contact us here: play@newquayforestschool.co.uk

Lizzie - 07445364446
